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What a second Trump administration could mean for US Energy and Environmental Policy

March 17th, 2024
2 minute read

In a hypothetical second Trump administration, the trajectory of U.S. energy policy would likely mirror that of his first term, characterized by a strong emphasis on promoting fossil fuels while showing limited support for renewable energy initiatives. One notable aspect could be a continuation of the pause on permits for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, reflecting the administration's cautious approach to energy policy amid evolving domestic and international energy dynamics.

The administration's stance on methane emissions regulations is expected to remain consistent, with efforts likely aimed at rolling back proposed guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency to charge the oil and gas industry fees for methane emissions. This move would align with the administration's pro-industry agenda but would draw criticism from environmental advocates concerned about the impact on climate change.

Furthermore, a second Trump presidency would likely see continued distancing from international agreements on climate change, as evidenced by the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement early in his first term. The emphasis would likely remain on prioritizing U.S. economic interests over global environmental concerns, reflecting the administration's skepticism toward multilateral efforts to address climate change.

Despite occasional expressions of support for renewable energy, particularly in the context of job creation and economic development, the administration's policies have consistently favored the fossil fuel industry. This trend is expected to continue, with renewable energy initiatives receiving limited support compared to fossil fuels.

In terms of climate science, the administration would likely maintain its stance of downplaying the severity of climate change and resisting mainstream scientific consensus. Policies and rhetoric would likely prioritize industry interests over environmental concerns, further exacerbating tensions between environmental advocates and the administration's energy agenda.

Overall, a second Trump administration would likely maintain its focus on promoting fossil fuels, rolling back regulations perceived as burdensome to the industry, and prioritizing economic interests over environmental considerations. This approach would continue to shape U.S. energy policy in the years to come, with implications for both domestic energy production and global efforts to address climate change.

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