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Complete 12
In Progress 2


Limited the scientific and medical research the E.P.A. can use to determine public health regulations, de-emphasizing studies that do not make their underlying data publicly available. (Scientists widely criticized the proposal, saying it would effectively block the agency from considering landmark research that relies on confidential health data.)
Limited funding of environmental and community development projects through corporate settlements of federal lawsuits.
Repealed an Obama-era regulation that would have nearly doubled the number of light bulbs subject to energy-efficiency standards starting in January 2020. The Energy Department also blocked the next phase of efficiency standards for general-purpose bulbs already subject to regulation.
Weakened dishwasher energy efficiency standards by exempting fast-cleaning machines from decades-old rules.
Loosened water and efficiency standards for showerheads and washers and dryers.
Changed the process for how the government sets energy efficiency standards for appliances and other equipment. The new rules set an “energy savings threshold” for regulations (which environmental groups say is too high) and allow industries to set their own test procedures.
Withdrew proposed Obama-era efficiency standards for residential furnaces and commercial water heaters that were designed to reduce energy use.
Made it easier for appliance manufacturers to get a temporary exemption from federal energy efficiency test procedure requirements.
Finalized a rule that limits 401(k) retirement plans from investing in funds that focus on the environment. The Obama administration had issued guidance to encourage investing in environmentally- and socially-focused funds as long as they were competitive investments.
Changed a 25-year-old policy to allow coastal replenishment projects to use sand from protected ecosystems.
Stopped payments to the Green Climate Fund, a United Nations program to help poorer countries reduce carbon emissions.
Reversed restrictions on the sale of plastic water bottles in national parks designed to cut down on litter, despite a Park Service report that the effort worked.


Froze civil penalties for companies that violate fuel efficiency standards at $5.50 for every 10th of a mile per gallon over the standards. (They were slated to increase to $14 for every 10th of a mile per gallon in model year 2019.) A federal court reinstated the higher penalty, but the Trump administration continued to delay its implementation.
Initially withdrew, and then delayed, a proposed rule that would inform car owners about fuel-efficient replacement tires.
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